у вас открывается ЖЖ?
у меня висит второй день. Не могу в свой блог зайти. То есть могу, "отвисев" 20 минут. Но каждый новый "клик" снова по 20 минут надо.
Хотя все остальные сайты открываются молниеносно (у меня скоростной интернет)

у меня там подруга работает. Вчера мне писала, что у них опять атака хакеров, поэтому ничего не работает.
Hi all,
For the last few days site performance has been pretty bad, however we're slowly making changes to get as many people access to the site as possible. We keep getting new equipment to beef things up, so the chances of this happening again are pretty remote. Sunday night we experienced a surge of increased junk traffic. Our site is already pretty fragile, so it caused a lot of cascade failures and I stayed up all night with ops to bring stuff back up.
Sorry guys, I hate being so serious, but we'll get everything sorted in a few days.
In the meantime, the most reliable way to access the site is logged out. Viewing certain journals while logged in may give you a timeout error due to some bugs we're working on. If you're constantly getting errors, try clearing out your cookies and trying again.