Танцевала в аэропорту Мехико. Там мариачи так шикарно играли в зале ожидания, я не устояла. Правда, прикрылась младшей дочкой )))
Да танцевала вот под эту песню, с мафона, сорвала аплодисменты http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyrHIWLK7tI&ob=av2e
было это в 2001 году

вот она на тытубе выложена в 2006)))))))))))))) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPqV4ipyMsg
пс: может, и раньше есть - у меня такая закладка в Избранном )))

А вот инфа с оф. сайта группы
" 2002
MH get's his hands on laptop and sound interface - decides to spends 3 month in Rio de Janeiro. During this stay MH works on a bunch of music that lead to the incarnation of 'Hess Is More' as a musical project - a phrase originally invented by Mikkel's mum.
In the summer MH graduates as soloist after 5 years of studies at the Rhythmic Conservatory in Copenhagen. The legendary drummer Ed Thigpen having been a great influence, through 3 years as MH's main professor.
Graduation concert catches great deal of attention with a large orchestra of unusual instrumentation conducted by Mikkel's brother Nikolaj. Performance titled "Hess Is More".
Movies and various performance elements are also a part of the show, further hinting the stretch "less is more / too much is not enough" "
MH grows up in Denmark, plays drums from early age, and starts to pick up other instruments along the way. MH tours and records with various artists. Main interest is in Jazz music, yet visits are paid to other genres.
Through collaborations with the Danish Film School and bands Povo, Luke & Listen Up, MH explores film scoring, studio production and song writing."