А что происходит в России с визами в США сейчас?
Я так понимаю, что россиянин не может сейчас получить американскую визу. Почему? Не работает консульский отдел или что- то еще?

Вы врете. Брехло.
To this day, only the following are permitted to enter the Polish territory:
Polish citizens
Citizens and residents of Georgia, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Thailand, South Korea, Tunisia and Australia
Foreigners who are spouses or children of citizens of Poland or remain under the constant care of citizens of Poland
Polish identity Card Holders
People entitled to permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Poland or who hold a work permit
Foreigners who run a means of transport designed for the transport of good
Citizens of EU Member States, EFTA Member States – parties to the Agreement on the EEA or the Swiss Confederation and their spouses and children, when travelling through the territory of the Republic of Poland to their place of residence or stay
Those with a permanent residence permit or a long-term resident’s EU residence permit, in the territory of other EU Member States, a Member State of the EFTA – parties to the Agreement on the EEA or the Swiss Confederation and their spouses and children, when travelling through the territory of the Republic of Poland, to their place of residence or stay.

В Польшу - никак, Европа. Речь не про студенческую и не про рабочую визу. Туристическая интересует. У меня есть действующая американская виза, но что делать, когда она закончится. Время бежит, виза нужна, езжу часто