
You know you're from southern California when

29 июн 2007, 23:51
Your monthly house payments exceed your annual income (and you think its Normal) You drive next to a Rolls Royce and don't notice it. You don't know anyone's phone number unless you check your cell phone. You speak Spanish, but you're not Mexican. You begin to "lie" to your friends about how close you are when you know darn well that it'll take you at least an hour to get there (see below). Getting anywhere from point A to point B, no matter what the distance, takes about "twenty minutes". You drive to your neighborhood block party. In the "winter", you can go to the beach and ski at Big Bear on the same day or mow your lawn in your shorts on New Years Day, and maybe sunburn. You eat a different ethnic food for every meal. If your destination is more than 5 minutes away on foot, you're definitely driving. Calling your neighbors requires knowing their area code. You know what "In-N-Out" is and feel bad for all the other states because they don't have any. Stop signs stand for, Slow To Observe Police. You go to a tanning salon before going to the beach. You eat pineapple on pizza. Your cell phone has left a permanent impression on the side of your head. You think that Venice is a beach. The waitress asks if you'd like "carbs" in your meal. You know who the Tinsel Underwear dude at Venice Beach is. You classify new people you meet by their Area Code. An "818" would never date a "562" and anyone from "323" or "213" is ghetto/second class. Best area code: "949/714." Nobody likes anyone from the "909/951" because it stinks there. You call 911 and they put you on hold. You have a gym membership because it's mandatory. The gym is packed at 3 pm...on a workday. You think you are better than the people who live "Over the Hill". It doesn't matter which side of the hill you are currently residing, you are just better than them, for whatever reason. You know that if you drive two miles in any direction you will find a McDonald's, Subway or a Starbucks. You know what "Sigalert", "PCH", and the "Five" mean. You know the meaning behind the name of the 405 freeway.... because it takes 4 hours to get one way, and 5 hours to get back. It's barely sprinkling rain and there's a report on every news station: "STORM WATCH". The Terminator is your Governor. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from California!
01 июл 2007, 23:28
Перевидите, плиз. Мне со словарем столько слов не осилить :)
30 июн 2007, 00:30
Дойдет только до тех, кто в курсе: жил там или хотя бы бывал... Смешно, но и грустно как-то... ощутила себя нищей :( P.S. Переведите, что ли для основной массы.
30 июн 2007, 01:02
Предупреждение автору топа: капс в названии запрещен правилами.
30 июн 2007, 02:38
Спасибо за исправление. (с транслита)

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