
Ренессанс фестиваль в Онтарио

Девчонки, ищу линк и не могу найти, не знаю почему. Ни у кого нет на фестиваль этого года? Я так понимаю, он уже в эти выходные начинается.
неужели никто не знает? :(
24 Aug 2006, 05:42
Ничего не понимаю. Там ссылка на фестиваль, но по ней можно попасть только на мерилендский фестиваль, а не Онтарио :( Эты сслку я уже видела.

The Ontario Renaissance Festival is located about a 45 minute drive away from Toronto in the city of Milton, Ontario, or rather the city known as Milton on Monday through Friday. On summer weekends, the normal hustle and bustle of the city gives way to the excitement of Trillingham, a sixteenth century Tudor village. The village is located on 250 acres of wooded grove, with buildings and attractions in the renaissance style (and carefully concealed 21st century portable toilets). Trillingham is home to dozens of craft merchants, selling everything from tea to chainmail. You'll also find strange and wonderful performances by such celebrities as Zoltan the Adequate and the Theatre in the Ground acting troupe. You will need a car to get to the festival, and you'll need at least one day to take everything in. Special themed weekends occur during the summer months, including the Regional Jousting Championships. Check the faire's website frequently for listings of all special events as they become available.

Website: http://www.rennfest.com/orf
24 Aug 2006, 05:44

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